Saturday, May 28, 2005

Lessons learnt and stuff I noticed from watching Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

1. When the leader says “Everything’s fine, go wait on the LAVA PLANET", be suspicious.

2. The Dark Side of the Force is called “The Dark Side” for a reason. It’s not like “The Dark Side of the Moon".

3. Robots with cutesy voices are annoying, not adorable. That goes double for aliens with cutesy voices. Triple for robots with cutesy voices and smoker’s cough.

4. For some reason, robots talk to each other in English, instead of using wifi or bluetooth or something.

5. Coruscant OB/GYN technology leaves something to be desired. [Update: “Luke” and “Leia” are clearly the Naboo words for “Morphine” and “Epidural"]

6. 20 years seems like nothing when you’re ruling the galaxy.

7. Darth Vader is not scarier with an artful allusion to Frankenstein.

8. The whole ‘you can keep her alive if you become a sith’ thing was so unconvincing. Yep, so I keep my girlfriend alive if I massacre hundreds of people. I think most philosophy departments would have something to say about that (would you eat a chicken if I threatened to kill another chicken question). The fact old ‘Ani’ was supposed to be a wise Jedi and couldn’t see the bloomin’ obvious was hilarious.
Their words of love scene was bizarre. It made no sense. Something about her looking beautiful and then the conversation turned weird. No wonder she felt he wasn’t sharing something with her

9. Why is the death star at the end half-finished if it takes another 17 years to complete it?

10. did you really saw the movie people, werent you paying attention? the alien doctor said, there was nothing wrong with her, that she was dying because she lost the will to live, and i dont think anyone will ever come up with a medicine for that. what kind of diagnostic tool do you use to test “will to live"? I want one!

11. the big long slow-motion “Nooooooo!” is more–not less–ridiculus when you’re wearing a Darth Vader helmet.

12. And you mean to tell me that the Dark Lord of the Sith searched the galaxy for his child, and “traitorous” Master, Obi Wan, for twenty years, and NEVER CHECKED AT HIS BROTHER’S HOUSE, BACK ON TATTOOINE?
“RASP WHEEZE RASP WHEEZE…Owen, this is Darth. Is Luke over there? RASP WHEEZE”
I mean Darth must have had some kinda force type connection with his kids yes!

13. OK, so the entire Jedi Council, full of Jedi Masters, is in their little meeting room. Well I take that back, there were a few that were on other planets and we saw their “images” being beamed in during the council meetings. So they’ve talked about looking for this Sith Lord for many many years and yet with all their knowledge of force, they couldn’t tell he was a few blocks over in another building? Freakin’ Obi-Wan felt an entire planet being blown apart light years away, yet the council of Jedi Masters couldn’t tell that the Dark Sith Lord was around the corner! Another thing, Obi-wan gets his ass kicked by Dooku when they were trying to save Palpatine and Anni kills Dooku (I’m assuming because Anni said his powers have grown 20 times stronger or whatever since their last meeting as I’m sure he’s been able to train quite a bit…lol). So then at the end of Episode III, Obi-wan kicks Anni’s ass and leaves him for dead…this after we assume Anni gets even stronger with the dark side of the force. Maybe it’s like starting over though, his main job is now with the dark side so after killing the separatists he gained like Level 2 in the dark side and Obi-wan is like at Level 55 in the good side…Then you have Padme not realizing (again I’m assuming they’ve done high tech ultrasounds during her pregnancy) that the two little blips on the screen are twins! Also I’m sure a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away they never listened to the baby’s heart beats during the pregnancy. I’m sure if they did, the droid doctor just said the two beats she’s hearing is just an echo or something stupid. And why would they wipe the protocol droid’s memory (C-3P0) and not the astromech droid’s memory (R2-D2)? Is that because not many people can understand the beeps and whistles? Luke was able to do so, don’t you think R2-D2 would want to fill Luke in on a “little secret” about Darth Vader? Then there’s the whole “execute directive 66″ bullcrap. Like nobody would have checked on what the heck the “creators” would have taught/programmed into the clones? If the Jedi Council didn’t trust Palpatine, they sure did trust his judgment with the clones

14. If you are going to go to the trouble of cutting someones legs off, take some basic pride in your work and finish the job.
Honestly… Obi-Wan knew he’d led the attack on the temple, watched him kill the younglings, and had nearly been killed by him. I’d take that a good cue it was time to help Anakin “curl up his tootsies and shuffle off this mortal coil, go and join the bleedin’ choir…” (Dead Parrot Routine)but jedi don’t kill their own kind ever, if obi wan had killed anakin he would have been no better than a sith. The jedi fight only to defend themselves and what the believe in, never to kill.

15. All ships in the galaxy have similar flight controls, even if they look different. I suppose it could be possible that Obi Wan could jump into a foreign ship and fly it, but I have my doubts.

16. Ships evolve in nanoseconds in the future. I thought it was neat to see (what seemed to be, to me) the beginnings of the Tie fighters at the start of the film, but at the end (while over looking the Death Star) didn’t the Tie fighters look like something straight out of the later episodes

17. The Jedi Temple has security cameras, but no other systems in place. No lockdown of the council area, etc. If you’re going to lock away the future Jedi children, shouldn’t you make sure they’re protected and not just hiding in a room?

18. Everybody in the Jedi order has to follow the dress code. No more exceptions for nifty black ensambles.
Surprise endings are good, but at least it wasn’t “Obi Wan is really the father”
Father figures are important. Luke has 3 (Owen, Obi Wan, Vader), while in Anikan’s eyes, Obi Wan goes from Father figure to “like a brother.”
Yoda’s grammer actually gets better over next 20 years

19. when Lucas re-released EP 4-6, I believe it is in EP 5 where he removed a scream Luke made as he had his hand chopped off and he fell because Jedis do not scream, they have no fear. Yet we hear Jedi masters screaming when they get their hands chopped off or falling out a window (a la Mace Windu). And why couldn’t Jedi Master Obi-Wan use the force to knock the little robots off his space ship? It can be used to pick up an X-wing fighter out of the swamp, but cannot push little robots off a space ship.

20. Theory: Could the eternal life secret knowledge shenanigans explain why when Vader Kills OBW, OWB dissapears instead of just getting chopped in half like every other saber victim? Could they be paving the way for episode 7 starring old Ewan Mcgregor and Liam Neeson?

21. Propolsion Systems: Do you mean to tell me that all these flying machines, both planetary personal craft and giant space monsters run on liquid fuel? I assume this liquid is combustable, like petroleum. Where did it come from in such endless quantities, and how is it stored? And most importantly, how do they deal with emmissions, which were prominently ejected from every craft?

22. The planet where all the real action comes home to roost is one big urban downtown, not a speck of plant or animal life in sight. Assuming everybody breathes oxygen, where does it come from? Not only are billions or perhaps trillions of English-speaking humans consuming O2, there’s all those vehicles burning combustable fuel. So, where does the O2 come from?

23. OK, annikin gets burned. Badly. We low tech neanderthals in this time and space are on the verge of some amazing techniques for building human tissue, or life-like substitutes. Did these technologically advanced people abandon reconstructive surgery? Does darth Vader really have to cover his face with a helmet so that we aren’t upset with his burns?

24. Those replacement limbs that everybody seems to sport. Granted, perhaps the mechanical ones are better than the real thing, although in that case everybody would be volutarily having their limbs lopped off. But couldn’t they look a little more attractive, maybe covered with human tissue or maybe even entire limbs grown from your own stem cells and completely indistinguishable from the lost limbs? To expect these technological advances is not unreasonable in our day and age. As for availability, I might remind you that this tale involves the elites of society, people and robots fighting for control. You can be sure that all the resources of society are at the fingetips of these folks.

25. So do Leia and Vader ever realize they’re related? Leia and Vader interact a lot, from her initial capture in Ep. IV, to their time together in the clowd city in Ep. V. Can Vader not sense the force in her? Does she simply not have much of “the force” in her? Or does he just not care about his daughter despite being so obsessed with his son? I haven’t seen Ep. VI in a long time, so I don’t recall if Luke and Leia discuss it. If so, Leia never seemed too bothered by the fact that her life long nemesis was her dad. If Leia is “the other hope” that Yoda and Obi Wan mention in Ep. V, they never really do much about it.

26. the most frustrating thing is that there really is a good movie – perhaps two – buried in the clutter. The major plot points (Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side, the collapse of the Republic into dictatorship) ring true in concept, but you don’t feel them on the screen. Nothing approaches the gut-wrenching chill of “I am your father” – imagine a movie where we see Anakin’s Choice as our own, the descent into hell as the price for saving the love of his life, and we leave the theater wondering what we would do in the circumstances. Or imagine a movie where the “freedom dies” line actually has its intended force, a movie that shows how patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Leave a comment. Say something about the movie. Throw out some questions.
Make this fun. Ride safe guys.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This is the new Sony PS3. Gods gift to man....i would strongly agree. Another great reason to stay at home with your buddies, suck back on some juice and open some major cans of whoop!...sadly it might not be released that soon....but i've heard that Microshit is challenging the release of the PS3 by releasing Halo3 on the same day....*snaps fingers*....whoooooooo!!. For further read on tech specs - Posted by Hello

Nintendo revolution....i think its going to be released soon or something. maybe if they had released it like 10 yrs ago i would be freakin impressed...but now...bah!..whatever!!,..why is the controller not in the picture because their keeping their wireless controller design a secret...*snaps fingers*...whooooooo!!!!  Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

this is my favourate picture of the lightning series.i stood at my room window for a good 2 hours to get some of the shots i posted. hope you like the pictures...keep reading my blog. Posted by Hello

...lightning. Posted by Hello

...more lightning. Posted by Hello

...picture of lightning i took this morning. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

another angle of the lake. Posted by Hello

i cycled to Jurong Lake to take this picture of the sunrise. the silouette is made up of trees and flats,..left to right. suprisingly the lake was pretty still. Posted by Hello

...shot from my room. Posted by Hello

picture i took of sunrise from my room window. Posted by Hello


Simple thoughts, simple mind living in a world of complicated processes and functionality.
How is one suppose to live life without giving much thought to anything. I sometimes feel like I’m leading 2 lives. On one hand I think and carefully try to plot out the journey of my life through practicality and pure logic and sense, and on the other I try my best to live my life by the faith I have in Gods word and the exemplary manner in which Jesus Christ led his life here on earth. Kind of a irony if you think about it....and sometimes I get questioned by my friends about the will of God and the plans he has for our lives. Do we even have a choice about how we lead our life…whats the deal with having to make decisions when all of them seem to have been made for us already…is this some kind of proletarian trick being played on us? What about things like free will and expression? I mean if God has already picked and chosen our life partners for us then why go through all the hassle of dating, making a good impression, trying to understand the opposite sex, going through nights trying to wreak your brains out to figure out how to get back with your girlfriend, hoping and praying that since you are unattached that you have not also been degraded to the lowest form of scum on the face of the planet. If we are assured a partner shouldn’t we not walk around with real confidence, knowing that no matter how badly we look or screw up in relationships we’ll be alright, then again the Word also teaches of responsibility and using the wisdom the God…it also says in the Bible that being single is a blessing from God…I’m sure that would be a little hard for some of us to swallow yes.

These are logic based questions and comments yes…I mean if I was a free thinker and had some decent education I would probably ask the same questions. Thus asking and questioning something one is not willing to put into practice and to understand is always easier yes. I mean some ppl ask these kindsa questions just to stumble, confuse and push our ‘react’ buttons. It’s so easy to fault anyone who practices a religion that does not allow any grey areas. Cause if we do allow ourselves to think out of the box* thoughts, ideals and moral values that are not taught in the Bible* and someone questions us about how we conveniently allow ourselves to do that,…we stop and think....*well some of us don’t* we’re bothered by the fact that apart from the worldly stress, we also have to deal with religious moral issues…we’re left with angry thoughts of unfairness and trials & tribulations you could do without! Not an uncommon reaction…since we think we’re at the losing end of any situation we think we could take advantage of, if only we could use some worldly methods…if we allow more of ourselves to be practitioners of worldly ways then how can we really experience God’s teachings in our lives if we don’t allow God to enter our minds first before any other thoughts. Be honest here…what is the first thing you think about when you get up? Is it God? Or the fact that you’re still alive and well only through his grace and mercy? Or do thoughts of work, bank statements, projects, assignments…your loved ones swamp you. Remember you only have what you because God is in your life. and when the Commandment said “thou shall not use the Lords name in vain” it does not only mean saying stuff like Jesus!!..., Christ!!..., Why God!!?..., Jesus Mary and Joseph!!.... but it also means that Gods names should not be used for ones own convenience like a trump card played in times of desperation, using his name while gaining self glorification is the lowest form of appeal…and using his name in an uneducated manner can lead to the stumbling of fellow followers and even non believers which would be greatly displeasing to God I’m sure. I assure you readers I have fallen into these traps myself and it saddens me deeply when I think about it….but we are forgiven and allowed to learn from our mistakes.

During a DG lesson in church. We did a reading from the book of Titus. It was brilliant.
I encourage all who have a Bible to read Chapter 2. Let me finish this blog with a small exert.

“ For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self –controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope- the glorious appearing of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good…”
Titus 2 vs 11-14

My visit to the Cancer Center

Sitting at the cancer center right now…writing this entry. I’m having one of them dazed out days. The weather has not been kind to anyone…and I can literally feel the humidity in the air. I’m always craving a cool unbroken breeze, jumping into a pool is always on the cards and taking a shower under a raindrop shower head with cold coka cola pouring forth are what current dreams are made of. I have not been feeling very well as of recent, and as always I don’t make much of it, I’m sleeping like 15hours a week, I’m down to eating one meal a day, it takes me a real long time to digest my food and I feel like vomiting if I eat more. Sometimes I feel it would be easier to just vomit my food out then to wait for it to go through my entire digestive track. I have been sleeping but I sleep because I’m feeling dazed and totally zapped of energy, even on days when I have not done much…but then what is much when you have cancer yes. God has been generous in his grace and mercy by allowing me to apply myself even in my time of weakness. I recently signed up to be put back on the roster for the youth band and was also asked to play for praise night this coming Friday. This means I have extra music practices to attend, more playing time on Sundays leading me to be totally drained of energy. Is this what it means when they say some artist do suffer for their art form….laughs….then I say bring on the pain. I’m loving every min I get to play the drums, I’m super blessed to be playing with such a talented group of musicians. And as always my friend are always around to encourage and help me through my frustrations.

I had a good start to the day. Was invited by Charlie from church to go down to St Francis to give the students a lil “career talk”, to tell them what to expect if they do decide to enter the hospitality line. Assure them that being academically inclined is not everything, being born with no natural abilities does not make a person an abnormality or abomination but rather being focused and working hard at being good at something builds character and teaches some brilliant life lessons. And that a decent education is not a bad thing to have in the long run. Some very hard things to swallow down at that age when life just seems filled with unnecessary hassles and so much angst. How is one to feel apt and happy with the bare minimal when society expects so much. How does a young person avoid the pressures that society throws at them ? How are we suppose to improve and learn when we’re not even allowed to screw up? Probably one reason why I have few happy childhood memories cause I was always trying so hard not to screw up. I’m guessing that’s why we also live in a “sick” society filled with anger, envy, pride, stress, greed….imagine if a simple solution to the whole cancer problem was just to be happy….no stress…no need to compete….just give yourself the chance to do the things you really want to do….and just like that cancer is eradicated. Here is a sick thought for you…why eradicate the cancer problem with one drug that might already be out there when big evil pharmaceutical corporations keep creating half ass solutions to a long term money making problem. Its pretty sad when you think about the great number of ppl who have cancer and who could do without that financial burden….but it’s such a pretty sight when the human spirit is challenged and is allowed to overcome and be triumphant. I guess that is why I understand so well why God allows suffering and other bad things to happen…because there is always something to learn, something to feel, something to take time and understand.

Well I just finished talking to doc Ben. Did a blood test before I saw him…and the results don’t look too good for my kidneys. Creatinin levels are up, so that’s probably whats causing me to feel dazed and tired out. My blood pressure is up too…surprise there. Doc put me on more meds for the blood pressure. Have to go for a CT scan on Friday…which is going totally suck…hope it does not screw up my body too badly cause I still have to play the drums at night. Have to go for a scope too to see why I might be throwing up my food. Its been a while since my last scope….and I hated going for scopes. Doc gave me a body check and felt a slight bulge around my tummy area- a sign that my tumor might be on the move….we’ll find out next week I reckon. Not really upset or anything like that….just a lil bummed out by the fact that I have to delay my trip to Thailand a lil longer…not cool man….well dying on the trip would not be too cool either….thanks for understanding Jon boy!! anyways as always after the medical side of everything is done, doc ben being the super nice doc that he is decides we should have a long conversation about God, the church in singapore, Christians-the way some decide to function, educate themselves and some who are just plain lost. Doc ben was also telling me about his time in Sri lanka, and how he felt that being in touch with God was so important….in worship and in the word.

That’s about it for now. Will keep you guys updated about stuff.
Take it easy. Ride safe guys.

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