Thursday, August 18, 2005

For those of you that like cool video clips...this is freakin awesome.turn your speakers up or plug your ears to phones.
pls pass this video or site around.Good things should always be shared. drive safe guys.

Monday, August 08, 2005

i'm thinking again...

9th aug. national decadence day celebrating superficiality, simple mindedness & selfishness, which is generally Singapore.

Mass paranoia on whether to put up or down toilet seats as local man gets his testicles bitten by a python that had somehow or rather found its way to the sewer and into this mans toilet bowl. Ironically the Chinese man named Mai Fatt Kock did not notice anything unusual until he felt a rather sharp pain around his testicular area. Fortunately for ,Fatt Kock, he was not badly hurt…just a little loss of pride and a bad case of “tua lam pah” citizens have been warned to just be wary of such incidents as we still do live in a rather real urban jungle.

Soon citizens will go to the voting booth to vote for their very own president aka “yes man”. It’s a sure guarantee no matter what the hell happens he’ll be right there with his plastic smile, machine like personality and constant approval of everything…what better could the citizens ask for yah!!
Everything that involves politics in our country it a total farce. yes I’m sure we need some kinda rules to regulate who we have in our offices of power but we make the contesting so difficult that only anal retentive dinosaur type civil servants would want to run for the post of president of our sad country. I mean it’s a ceremonial post, I don’t see the need to vote for this person whom I’m never going to meet, never going to make a difference in my life, whom I feel I’d rather pity then respect because he has no real voice in anything that has to do with the people but then again this is me and I do hate the politics of our country.

Hungry ghost festival-more like haze and ailment inducing festival. It’s that time of the year again where we don’t seem to regard the well being of oneself and others around us. I’m not just making a blind complaint here-they throw some pretty major geh-tai parties around here (local version of Ibiza----not!!!) the condition of the air has not been good as of recent and the burning of paper and joss sticks does not help the environment in anyway. As a person who suffers from a terminal illness, theoretically second hand smoke or just dangerous fumes could be one of the causes of my condition- someone needs to get sued!! I’m sure some where in these peoples religion there is some writing that says to be responsible and kind to the world that God has created for you. Its so weird when you come from a country that tries so hard to be clean and environmentally conscious, and kinda just forgets about it for a couple of weeks because they’re the majority and it works out for THEM.. Probably works the same way when they offer money to charity, knowing primarily that most people call in donations so they can win a half a million dollar condo-and do it without even batting an eyelid but make so much noise when someone misuses the fund…I mean why the hell do you care about the money-its not like as if you donated because you love kidney patients. Don’t choke the environment because you want a good reason to get stuffed, drunk and go to a concert where there’s sleazy music. I would very much like to SEE my sunrise….not imagine one!

ride safe and keep reading friends.

All good things come in a package or in a krispy kreame donut box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Half a dozen of heaven in a box. lots of burning hunka lunka lovin going out to Euge and Cindy (cause they are now one in everything..even if euge was the one who brought the donuts back for me!!..laughs) you guys lots.have fun in bali!!!

Thats not just a good picture...these donuts they taste pretty good too!!

Lucas and Adeline...they make such a sweet looking couple. they're extremelly hospitable and are just plain nice..and they party pretty hard too!!could not love them enough.

Me, Adele and Adeline.

Thats Lucas and me!!

Thats Adeline and me...and geri's bf in the background.this photo was taken a while back at wala wala. the last friday before Gabe and Adele left for Australia. and it was also Lucas' birthday. and coolest bit being that Adeline(lucas' gf) had come back to singapore during her school it was just an awesome time, everyone just hangin out, havin a few drinks and enjoying the music. thanks Adeline for the pics!!..cant wait for you to get back home.

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