Tuesday, March 15, 2005


It’s been a while since I last wrote an entry into my blog. With each day that passes by, I am sometimes consumed with many thoughts, emotions and mental debates about everything that happens in church, something someone said, a movie that caused me to shed a tear or two, or even that slightest of pains that I feel in my abdominal area. I personally don’t believe that every thought has be to of an intellectual one and sometimes I do humor myself with thoughts that are totally ridiculous and literally out of this world. This is something I thought about a while back and I thought it would be perfect to blog about….and get you, the readers, thoughts on my thoughts…*grins*

See I’m a huge comic book fan. The mental stimulation and page flipping psycho sensation I get from reading comic books could be compared to some guy taking a painting lesson from Michelangelo….getting a personal lesson on black holes and their theorems by Stephen Hawking (hey some guys get off on this shit ok!!)….sitting in Captain James T. Kirk’s seat on board the U.S.S Enterprise….while getting a lap dance by Jenna Jameson….oh yeah! And all that reading makes me think about stuff..

You see when Superman and Lois lane got engaged I said this is not going to work out and then they got married and I’m thinking this is just screwy. You see Lois Lane could never have Superman’s baby. How would her fallopian tubes handle his sperm? We’re talking about all 1million of them being strong swimmers. And if they were having hot passionate sex and Supes decides to blow his load….it would go right through her like a shocker…we’re talking about a real mess here folks. Lois’s womb would not be strong enough to carry Superman’s child, supes is an alien, his Kryptonian biological makeup is enhanced by the Earths yellow sun. If say Lois decides to get a tan, the fetus inside would kick right through her stomach!!! Only someone like wonder woman I assume would have a strong enough uterus to carry Superman’s kid.
And even if supes was not married the only way I see him banging regular chicks would be with a Kryptonite condom but that would just kill him!!

and Can Reed Richards of Fantastic Four fame stretch all parts of his body?...and I mean all!
Also of Fantastic Four fame, The Thing, who’s body is all of orange rock I read in a recent marvel book has kids!!. Now how does he “do it”?!!
According to Stan Lee it’s a Super Hero secret….well Duh!

If you could be any super hero who would you be?
Such a difficult question to answer I think. I mean what does one gage his/her response on? Physical powers? Keen detection skills? The ability to banter well with super villains? Having a wicked sense of humor….or maybe even a dark one? Suits with or without nipples? Underwear in or out? Do you even want to be a Super Hero?

Pls do leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you guys and gals.

Tomorrows discussion. Is a cookie stand that’s located at the level above the food court considered to be part of the food court or is the cookie stand a autonomous unit for mid mall snacking?

Well…I’m off to go grab some breakfast now.
Have a real nice day ahead. and ride safe my friends.

WTH?! supermans sex life? Dr Reeds long parts? ........... thats it? i want more=)
i hv been to the Great Wall of China, seen the pyramids or Egypt, but never in my life have i read anything like this and i lov3 it<3
undies in.

hmmm.. thought i read this topic on superman written by you somewhere before. anyway, i would chose to be batman cause of all the funky gadgets, mean machines and i get to have some fun with cat women =)
Batman?! Batman sucks.. i prefer The Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles man... their wicked.. i especially like the the 1 name Raphael=) hes rude n hes cool.

nice 1.very cool.lolls
amadea. :))
Has anybody heard of Dick Tracy?
hey kelvin. sheryl from church here. don't know whether u got my sms. but if u haven't. can u pls help me out by submitting an item to epxress ur tots towards easter?? a display item. drawin. poem. letter. almost anything will do. just send me a mail for confirmation or to ask for any queries. thanks alot. mail: joyjub@hotmail.com
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