Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The rain has come and blessed those of us who get to sleep in a little more then others a blanket of cool breeze and a reason to snuggle under your favorite comforter. I imagine a trickle of water running over a bright green leaf and a humming bird drinking water out of a flower that acts as a watering hole for it. I can see a pretty sunrise somewhere and the rays from the sun touching all the little water droplets and giving off a spectral rainbow display. I see the snails coming out and going to places only they know of and kids digging up worms just for the kick of it. And there are the ants that are always so busy….scurrying around…running over each other and just being busy. Kinda makes me think while I’m looking out the window that we might also live in a giant ant colony. Its just us being busy…worker ants reporting to our slave driving master ants who in return report to the queen ant. Sometimes we ‘re so busy we don’t realize we’re treading on each other…we’re competing on who can carry the biggest piece of grub so as to please our masters. We don’t have time for a breather and we sometimes get stepped on even though we’re minding our own business.

I can see transportation vehicles packed full of people. I see the droolers, the fidgets, the one eyed sleepers, the fat guy who does not want to take up three quarter of the seat with his ass alone, the thin person who wants a wide rear end just for rides to work, the stinkers, the diva type chicks, the chicks that want to look good but still have a visible panty line showing, the chicks just that don’t give a shit, the metrosexual man, the grimy looking kid that keeps threatening to wipe his snot on your 500 hundred dollar shirt from Cerutti, the twilight zone guy, the RC who’s chanting her hail Marys full of grace and counting off on her rosemary, the guy with bed hair, the Goth chick who’s rockin out on Metallica and The Sex Pistols on the ipod the devil gave to her in exchange for her soul, the guy that smells like coconut oil, the panda babe, the poor bastard who gets the reaction that a leper usually gets, the “I want to die!!!” or “why the hell am I even here?!!!” people, loud vulgar old ladies and old men that smell like pee, the secretary type lookin chicks with their Lisa Loeb type spectacles!!(All the nasty things I want to do to you Baby) and the homosexual couple in the corner booth sharing a paper together. I used to love taking the public transport in the morning.

I’ve always liked taking the time to look around at the people and the things that surround me. You find that the appreciation level rises and you get a lot more laughs. I look at a person and I try to visualize what’s running through his/her head. I mean a guy can look like hes totally constipated and he’s trying his best to hold it in. He might be suffering but to me it’s a barrel of laughs with a lil imagination. Or the wrinkles on an old mans face sometimes tells me so many things…as if each line told a diff tale of his life. And its the best with kids because they don’t seem to have any inhibitions in my mind….its the skies the limits for the lil buggers.

One reason why I smile so much all the time is because I allow myself many reason to smile. I actually use my imagination. I used to watch Sesame Street and think that imagination was the coolest thing ever. So take the time today when you ride the bus or train…or are sitting down for lunch in some place public or just looking out your office window….open your eyes to laughter….put the business away…close your eyes and go away….to someplace. Someplace only you’re allowed. Weave tales and be your own storyteller. Be the guy who kicks everyone’s ass or be the babe that blows everyone away. Everyone deserves to smile.

So let the imagination begin….

way cool...
i love to imagine too when i travel. but most of the time i will be imaginating tat i'm in bed. hehe... yep and i love to look at the clouds in the sky and imagine wat it could be. like some white fluffy rabbit, a dragon breathing smoke, a monster on the prowl. i have fun doing tat. i guess its kinda similar to ur pple watching except mine's more fantasy. :P
That is hellcool.
You are The Bomb.
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