Monday, July 21, 2003
Well ,well, well…here I am sitting in front of the computer finally updating my blog. I have been a total bum about it, I have actually been wanting to write stuff down but just did not have the time or the patience basically not wanting to give a shit about anything. Life has been a lil bit better for me ever since they took the chemo pack off me…it was like a total pain man…I mean really!!…walking around with a needle stuck in your chest and the tubing running real close to your groin area…was looking like I had something stuck up my urinary duck. But I’m really proud of myself for sticking to it for this long. My oncologist rocks man!!…always trying to make life easier for me. Comes at a cost though….still got to go to the hospital once a week but now I get my chemo through a needle…was telling char how glad I was not being scared of needles. We are talking about sticking a long freaking needle down a vein in my hand. We not talking gore and shit loads of blood all over the place but hell I’ve seen ppl freak out on seeing a needle alone!. Since my op in January up till now I have had so many needles stuck into me that if they kept the needles hangin from my body I would look like that guy from the movie hell raiser. My body is still getting to used to the chemo treatment cause I’m being injected with a full one week dose of the medicine. You know those big syringes they use in comedy’s…they’re not very funny when you’re actually facin one. Its been a really tiring week but I’ve been sleeping well and just been sleeping in general…what a bummer huh. I did manage to read plenty of books though…I told myself I would. I think there’s a emf bookstore at jurong point, I’ll go there this week to see if I can rent any good books. Reading is good cause I get to lie in bed while doing it and it helps me to focus on one thing. Been thinking about catching some movies too…really thinking long and hard about them. Don’t want to screw up my choices of movie anymore. I think I’m going to buy some new comic books as well. Have not been spending any money at all….and I think its time to give myself a treat. Talking about treats, I gave my Dg class a breakfast treat at macdonalds. I think they totally deserve it for doing their best during the captains ball match. We were joined by wee tecks class which was cool. The more the merrier yah. The company was excellent, I was totally laughin all the way…not much can be said about some ppl’s eating habits though!!….I mean imagine seasoning ones egg with everything!!…and them slurping it up a straw and shooting it at ppl…degeneration of brain cells seems to be obvious at this point for some ppl…laughs!!…I’m listening to some real heavy music at the moment by rage against the machine. Heavy in the sense they put real effort into making a statement with their music. And morello plays a mean guitar. But I’m listening to their very first album on vinyl might I add!!!!….I RULE MAN!!!!!……THE PURE SOUND INDEED. CD’S AND MD’S CAN KISS MY HAIRY ASS!!!WHOOO!!!….they had rage when they first started off but then they got rich and there was not too much rage left I guess. sad! Hoping to have a sweet week ahead. Got to go to the hospital tomorrow…meet up with my nurse friends. They’re a real nice bunch. Respect to all nurses and care givers out there yah! Hope the chemo don’t kick in too fast…I’ll be left for a zombie aye. Well the ride was long today…but we were cruising. Thanks for hanging out. I’ll pick you up soon.