Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Today is the start of a journey...a long one I hope. I hate short rides...they always seem pointless. You get to point b but it never really counts you know. I've always thought of writing as a long ride...you never really get to end of anywhere, you might think it’s the end of the ride but it’s just not over. You’re still hanging in there with probably one foot out the door but always ready to get back into the drivers seat. And as we "drive" through our writings we encounter so many different colors, surroundings and a kaleidoscope of emotions. It’s a time a when we are in complete control of everything or we have no control at all. I guess it’s “space” that everybody needs and everybody craves for. It’s a time of self exploration or just plain old bitchin about life. But as we ride the ride…I think we all get better at it. We learn to navigate better though treacherous roads and we appreciate the whole experience to the fullest. The ride…may it not end for you. I have a couple of seats available…you want to ride?