Sunday, July 06, 2003

It’s only 11pm.….and I still have time to write my entry before it becomes a Monday.
This week has been a pretty good week for me apart from the usual hic ups I’m feeling pretty good about myself. Had time to create this Blog… with Bing xin giving me some priceless advice on how I should go about doing up the Blog. I have never done this kind of thing before…so pardon the spar city of the whole page. I surely intend to learn how to adorn my page with some personal touches of creativeness. During the course of the week I had time to hang out some good friends. Bing xin and wenjie came over to my place to chill out. Went out with Jon to watch dumb and dumberer,…we were both in a really brain dead mood and it was super hilarious. The cinema was pretty much empty and we were laughing the loudest…I think I laughed so hard that my insides were aching!!! I really enjoyed the movie. I always enjoy going out with Jon,…he’s really excellent company. Always filling me in on his life and sharing stuff he’s learnt. Always prepared to organize events and really making it happen. Good on you Jon!…had time after music practice on Saturday which was a real torture for about 2 hrs!!! to go hang out with Aaron,…wenjie was there too. Played on his PS2 on a projector. It kicked rear end man!! Finally had time to laugh and talk to Aaron about the Cancer and stuff. I’m so glad that God has blessed me with a family og really great friends.
Was so worried about playing the drums today cause I was feeling so tired in the morning, really want to thank God for showing me his mercy and blessing me with the strength I needed to go through the day. Thought I played the drums to the best of my abilities. My hands were so sore from playing the drums and the PS2 the day before. I think I have tendonitis…laughs. Like wenjie likes to tease me…”weak MAN you!!!”
Got back home from the church bbq about 2 hours ago. quite glad I went…got to talk to some people I don’t really get to talk to that often from the main service. And talked to some people whom I have no idea who they are!!!….laughs! scary man. Before reaching home…saw big bro and sis in law with Claire. She’s so cute and growing bigger everyday. She still wont consent to me carrying her, I think I have neglected in my duties as an uncle. Have to make a better effort. She’ll come to me eventually! I love her so much. Well that about wraps up my week. Another week ahead and more things for me to look forward to,…hope it’s the same for you reading this posting. Had a good read I hope. Write to you soon!!!

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